Ruth Wilson - Intuitive Coach - Develop Your Inner Magic

My intuitive guidance is unique, far reaching and practical.  I help you access your intuition to…
intuition, hypnotherapy, Hypnosis, NLP, mentoring, intuitive…

Nikki Wisniewski - NMW Unveiled

Nikki blends intuition, experience, and skill to mainstream the magic all around us, educating and…
Psychic Readings, Intuitive, intuitive development,…

intuition - Find Psychics, Healers, Guides and more





What the Deck?

Discover 3 different types of card decks and their origins, learn how to find the perfect deck that resonates with yo
The event will take place at the $33.00
The event will take place at the United States

All types of readings

All types of readings, crystal readings, tarot cards, oracle readings, reiki healing, etc. 
Online / Remote | In Person | Individual
The event will take place at the $25.00$25.00
The event will take place at the Fredericksburg, Texas